Tuesday, 26 July 2011

CRM Terminology

Both Salescloud and service cloud are applications for CRM (Customer Relationship Management). One needs to familiarize with this terminology.

CampaignWhen you launch a new product in your company, you would like to like to market it, The marketing can be done in couple of different ways. One is Newspaper, Print Media, Television, Radio, Internet , Google Adwords etc. This is nothing but a campaign   
LeadAfter you have raised a campaign, Many people might be interested in your product or service. All of these people who might be interested in buying your product are called leads
AccountOnce these individuals or companies interested in your product convert to actual customers,  These could be customers, partners or competitors.
ContactYou could have an individual as a customer or a company as your customer. If you have an individual as the customer, then the inviduals contact information becomes the record in the contact. And if your customer is a company, then the representative from that company would become the contact record
OpportunityOnce your customer is interested in your product, He might specify what product is he/she interested in and when does he plan on purchasing it. 
ForecastBased on the information collected in different opportunities, one can do forecasting into the future and plan time and resources accordingly.
ProductProducts which the company is selling
ActivityThese include tasks and calendar events
DocumentAny kind of documents which are required in your business process, are stored in folders. Folders determine access to the documents.
ReportReports can be genereated from the application data. (Data from different standard /custom objects
DashboardGraphical snippets that give a birds eye view (Could be charts, graphs, guage, etc)
CaseDescription of the problem that a customer may have raised
SolutionDescription of an issue and its resolution. Solution knowledge base refers to collection of all solutions in an organization.